Monday, February 18, 2008

Day 34 - of 100 Days of Quilts

Down in the Valley

We are back to some of our earlier projects. Cori did a really great job of photographing some of these small quilts, and suddenly, I like them again. This little paper pieced project was a lot of fun, because of the stories that we invented to go along with each house. We invented an entire hillbilly family that lived in each of these little shacks.

I also remember making the decision that the backgrounds to the houses in this chapter would all have a dark background. Why not try different colors, the sky isn't always blue.
And it always seems that as soon as I finish a project, I think about how I would do it again - but differently. Cori knows that I have a sketch to make a large hanging, incorporating all of the shacks, and a village. But this is just one sketch of hundreds that I someday plan on making, so don't expect to see it anytime soon.....but maybe one day....
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