Oklahoma Twister - American Patchwork & Quilting
I love looking through quilt books to find 'new' old blocks. I own the mammoth Encyclopedia of Quilt blocks, and I think there are 3000 historically documented blocks in the book. I came across this one several years ago, and it is called 'Oklahoma Twister'. I put the block into my EQ program, because I wanted to know what it looked like in a quilt layout. I loved it. I made this quilt for myself - which is a rare treat - but later American Patchwork & Quilting called wanting it for one of their issues.
It may be hard to tell, but the background print is a beautiful, and colorful small print. I would recommend using a small print as the background, because it will help hide the hundreds of seams that this quilt has. I also assembled it the old fashioned way..by cutting hundreds of half square triangles, but if I was to do it again, I would use the grid method, or Thangles.
We actually got an e-mail this summer from someone in our Provence who wanted to make this quilt, but they were going to call it the Elie Twister instead. About 1 hour north of where we live is a small town called Elie, and they were hit this past summer with a F5 tornado. This was the first time in history that Canada has ever had an F5. We might have a few small tornado's, but we don't have the right climate for the big ones...or so we thought.
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